Which Brain Am I?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Today in lesson, Rainer was talking about left and right brain and tada, I did a test on it! *haha*
Quiz from : http://www.testcafe.com/lbrb/lbrb.html
Are You Left-Brained or Right-Brained?
Although one side of the brain is generally dominant over the other, we should strive to utilize both halves. A balanced brain makes a balanced person - combining sequential thinking with a holistic approach, or linear thinking with intuition, enables us to fully comprehend issues and solve problems. Left-brainers can dramatically improve their problem solving abilities by learning to "follow their gut," while right-brainers can improve the execution of their creative efforts.
Realizing your dominant half is the first step in becoming balance-brained.
Your percentage score for the right brain is 59%.
Your percentage score for the left brain is 41%.
You are more right-brained than left-brained. The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body. In addition to being known as right-brained, you are also known as a creative thinker who uses feeling and intuition to gather information. You retain this information through the use of images and patterns. You are able to visualize the "whole" picture first, and then work backwards to put the pieces together to create the "whole" picture. Your thought process can appear quite illogical and meandering. The problem-solving techniques that you use involve free association, which is often very innovative and creative. The routes taken to arrive at your conclusions are completely opposite to what a left-brained person would be accustomed. You probably find it easy to express yourself using art, dance, or music. Some occupations usually held by a right-brained person are forest ranger, athlete, beautician, actor/actress, craftsman, and artist.
Your left brain/right brain percentage was calculated by combining the individual scores of each half's sub-categories. They are as follows:
Left Brain
* Linear
* Sequential
* Symbolic
* Logical
* Verbal
* Reality-based
Right Brain
* Holistic
* Random
* Concrete
* Intuitive
* Nonverbal
* Fantasy-oriented
Not convince, try this:
source: http://www.news.com.au/perthnow/story/0,21598,22492511-5005375,00.html
The Right Brain vs Left Brain test
Do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.
Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.
uses logic | detail oriented | facts rule | words and language | present and past | | math and science | can comprehend | knowing | acknowledges | order/pattern | perception | knows object name | reality based | forms strategies | practical | safe
uses feeling | "big picture" oriented | imagination rules | symbols and images | present and future | philosophy & religion | can "get it" (i.e. meaning) | believes | appreciates | spatial perception | knows object function | fantasy based | presents possibilities | impetuous | risk taking
Quiz from : http://www.testcafe.com/lbrb/lbrb.html
Are You Left-Brained or Right-Brained?
Although one side of the brain is generally dominant over the other, we should strive to utilize both halves. A balanced brain makes a balanced person - combining sequential thinking with a holistic approach, or linear thinking with intuition, enables us to fully comprehend issues and solve problems. Left-brainers can dramatically improve their problem solving abilities by learning to "follow their gut," while right-brainers can improve the execution of their creative efforts.
Realizing your dominant half is the first step in becoming balance-brained.
Your percentage score for the right brain is 59%.
Your percentage score for the left brain is 41%.
You are more right-brained than left-brained. The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body. In addition to being known as right-brained, you are also known as a creative thinker who uses feeling and intuition to gather information. You retain this information through the use of images and patterns. You are able to visualize the "whole" picture first, and then work backwards to put the pieces together to create the "whole" picture. Your thought process can appear quite illogical and meandering. The problem-solving techniques that you use involve free association, which is often very innovative and creative. The routes taken to arrive at your conclusions are completely opposite to what a left-brained person would be accustomed. You probably find it easy to express yourself using art, dance, or music. Some occupations usually held by a right-brained person are forest ranger, athlete, beautician, actor/actress, craftsman, and artist.
Your left brain/right brain percentage was calculated by combining the individual scores of each half's sub-categories. They are as follows:
Left Brain
* Linear
* Sequential
* Symbolic
* Logical
* Verbal
* Reality-based
Right Brain
* Holistic
* Random
* Concrete
* Intuitive
* Nonverbal
* Fantasy-oriented
Not convince, try this:
source: http://www.news.com.au/perthnow/story/0,21598,22492511-5005375,00.html
The Right Brain vs Left Brain test
Do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.
Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.
uses logic | detail oriented | facts rule | words and language | present and past | | math and science | can comprehend | knowing | acknowledges | order/pattern | perception | knows object name | reality based | forms strategies | practical | safe
uses feeling | "big picture" oriented | imagination rules | symbols and images | present and future | philosophy & religion | can "get it" (i.e. meaning) | believes | appreciates | spatial perception | knows object function | fantasy based | presents possibilities | impetuous | risk taking
Labels: Informations
posted by JO at 2:09 PM