Eventful Morning

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Today woke up very early by Mr. Doz because he received a call from DY saying Lao Da is missing when they were in m'sia at around 6++am.

I was in a shock! DY said they realise Lao Da was missing at about 3++am and they went off in search for his bike and finally found it at 6++am. They called us to get a tow number so that they can tow the bike back. DY also made a police report with the m'sia police. We were so shock! Where would Lao Da be? What will happen to him?

DY also told us another bad new. A pk rider skidded and die on the way back! *shock x100*

Worrying and panic doesn't helps so we waited and tried to call Lao Da on his mobile (he got no auto roaming) We can't do anything about the dead rider, only hope his family can be contacted soon about the news and give him a proper funeral and also hope his body can be ship back Singapore asap. As for Lao Da, we can only hope nothing bad happens to him and that somehow he made his way back into Singapore.

Mr. Doz was unable to sleep thus he wake up and do a check on the forum, hoping that someone will post something. But no luck.

Finally at 7++am, Mr. Doz manage to get Lao Da on his mobile and before his mobile went flat, he manage to tell us he is safely back home. *phew*

God, please bless all rider safety and that the pk rider that just pass away, bring him to your side, bless his family members. Hope they get over the grief soon.


posted by JO at 12:23 PM