IKEA Shopping
Monday, April 2, 2007
wow~ today Doz2 drive his dad lorry home after he went 'shao mu'. He fetched me to Popular first as I'm complaining I want to buy the English book that I bought for one of my tuition student.
After which, we head to Tampines Ikea via ECP. We went there to search for shelfing unit to organise the many rubbish I had in our room *hee*and also for the kitchen. We also bought some storage box ($9.95)and a lamp light ($5.90 + $12, the bulb) so that when Doz2 is sleeping, I can still use the computer without having the big light on. After around 2 hours of rushing shopping, and hours of crazy, up heated packing this is the outcome .. tada~~ (the whole unit cost = $99)
Overall I'm glad with everything and thank Doz2 for making the effort to drive me and fix it up for me there even though I know he very tire. Thank You!! (I know you enjoying yourself when you fixing the shelf. Keep saying I don't know .. Is you who don't know lor =_=")
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